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When you use a vehicle for busiIMG_5588ness and write off the related expenses, it’s almost always a struggle to ensure all trips and maintenance costs are recorded. If you don’t record the data right then and there, chances are, you won’t remember it. And, come tax filing time, there will be a lot of memory struggles, canny accounting and rounding-up exercises. Such practices do not fly well with tax authorities. If they decide to audit you and your paperwork is patchy – Houston, we have a problem.

Instead of a fiddly handwritten note or Excel spreadsheet that you may or may not remember to keep up, MYLE, your trusty backup brain, makes recording the particulars of the trip a breeze. It’s all a matter of a finger tap and speaking a few words – which can be done even as you drive.

Then, MYLE will do the rest: it will enter the destination and the cause of the trip into the appropriate application, along with the automatically assigned date and mileage, calculated based on GPS data points.

Piece of cake, right? This is just one example. MYLE can track your expenses for literally anything, and it works seamlessly with a variety of popular budgeting apps.

Speaking of driving: If you are one of those enthusiasts who likes to keep track of everything related to your automotive pride and joy, you can easily do this with MYLE. No more struggling to remember what and how you did something, later. Tap your MYLE with a (greasy) finger and speak out the notes as your work progresses. Time and location will be assigned automatically. You can even post about these events on your social network page as you go.

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