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The high-tech industry has been recently developing at a staggering pace, and more and more new “smart” gadgets hit the market with every new day. November was noteworthy for two interesting announcements made by two top market players.

Both Microsoft and Google stated that by the middle of the next year they each plan to roll out their own wearable devices – the so called “hearables”: Microsoft Clip and some yet . Well, folks, welcome to the club, we’ve been expecting you!

Both devices are advanced versions of Bluetooth microphones that clip on your clothes, hook onto your smartphones and perform a set of voice commands to be executed on your Microsoft or Android smartphones. It’s too early to judge these devices’ functionality and “smartness”, however, we tend to believe they will perform their intended roles well and will be useful to their adopters.

There is a funny thing here for anyone who ever watched that old sci-fi gig, Star Trek, as the devices resemble the famous Star Trek communicator, and also because these devices were announced virtually in the 50th Anniversary of the original movie. Another no less funny coincidence is that the announcements happened four months after MYLE revealed a similar device in its own very successful IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign. Well, we all know that it is indeed a pure coincidence and events are completely unrelated, and I’m absolutely sure that this novel and innovative idea beamed upon MS and Google’s wizards many years ago, and they just waited for the right moment to reveal it…

To be honest with you, it’s really amazing news for the MYLE team because 1) announcement happened at the moment, when market for the “hearables” should start growing; and 2) current tech market is in critical need to raise an awareness for the “hearables” products.

It’s especially great for small start-ups, like MYLE, that create amazing breakthrough products, however don’t have enough resources for a proper product popularization. So, indeed, thank you very much! We’ll return our gratitude by revealing our next steps regarding the design and development of our truly innovative products, and by feeding you with cool and innovative ideas.

But seriously, we truly are grateful! Please, do not be shy and call us anytime – we’d love to help newbies 😉 All the more so that we do have a lot to share and teach.

Virtually, with zero budget MYLE team developed a truly breakthrough wearable device, that works independently without a smartphone or a computer. We developed a user-friendly and infinitely customizable application for it, that’s capable of working with various operating systems, as well as revealed a smart analytical platform that allows users to integrate the “hearable” wearable into any app or a software system that people use for personal and business purposes. Our wearable device only requires a fingertap and a voice note to start filling applications and software systems with data to automatically execute numerous daily routine operations.

Believe us, it is very, very exciting… Well, the excitement is also boosted by the trillion-dollar opportunity!


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