It’s challenging being a new-born’s parent. You have to track the baby’s many needs – food, sleep, diapers, and much more. Especially it’s difficult when you’re balancing it with your other family members’ and work needs too.
If you get this out of control you end up with a big mess, a never-ending stress and a growing list of things that you absolutely must do. Often – simultaneously.
Seasoned parents with more than one child may recommend you try the child’s routine schedule , to have a more organized life for both the child and parents.
It allows you to track and predict eat-sleep-play schedule for your baby, so you can easier plan your own day without a conflict with the baby’s hours. But most importantly – the system helps train the internal biological clock of the baby.
The system gives you good understanding of many things. Does your child receive a proper amount of sleep? Or is the weight gain appropriate for the age?
A pediatrician will benefit from this data system too as a precise source of all basic data to evaluate how the baby develops. And the nice lady at the kindergarten will certainly appreciate if your little treasure has a habit of timed routine.
The science is not set on this though. You can find studies that support scheduling just as easily as those that oppose it and call for a natural rhythm.
There are many ways to track your baby’s schedule, including smartphone apps, notebooks or note-taking apps (like Evernote), Excel spreadsheets, magnetic whiteboards or simple charts as this one below.
However, these tools are not very convenient, each having its own set of disadvantages. What unites them all is that they are all cumbersome and take a great deal of accuracy and time to enter all events.
MYLE is the simplest way to track your baby’s sleeping, diaper and eating habits. There’s no more manual information input. It’s designed so that all the important stuff could be recorded in the most natural way – using your voice. Tap your device and say for how long your child has been sleeping past night or plan a daily activity schedule, so you know what to expect from the upcoming day.
MYLE will record this information as a voice-note, convert it into text and automatically will categorize it based on the keywords and contents of your note.
Then MYLE will apply its unique AI algorithm to all gathered data to track and analyse your baby’s trends from day to day.
Now you will have a much better chance of having a bit more time for yourself and other family members. Or get some extra sleep that you’ve been deprived of. All the while keeping good track of your baby’s activities each day and see the records in a straightforward and transparent form. You will be able to use it for yourself – or instantly easy share this information with your pediatrician.