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Hello everyone and welcome back to the second part of the “Top 10 Tech Innovations of 2015.”

Today we’ll continue talking about the best technological innovations of 2015.

Best Virtual Reality (VR) Headset – HTC Vive

Despite the high price tag compared to the other VR headsets, HTC is winning because of its better picture quality.
HTC Vive is the product in partnership with Valve, one of the biggest names in the gaming industry. Valve is known for such products as Half-Life, Portal, WOW, DOTA and operates Steam, the largest online store for PC games.

HTC Vive offers the best picture quality. It has two screens with a resolution of 1080 x 1200 and two sensors to track movement, which hang on your wall.

Best Tablet –

Apple sold 10.9 million iPad units in the second quarter of 2015, yet, it wasn’t enough to close this year with a positive growth. Apple’s decline was -17.9 per cent, whilst LG Electronics showed a tremendous growth of 246.4 per cent.

Perhaps we’ll see a different winner next year, but iPad is the best tablet currently available on the market.
iPad Air 2 offers you the high-quality display, Touch ID fingerprint feature, a better camera, great manufacturing and materials quality. Also, it’s the most stable tablet regarding functionality with a few glitches, whilst, for instance, the biggest disadvantage of LG is the poor working stability

Best Technological Innovation – Internet of DNA.


Internet of DNA is a global network of millions of genomes. The principle of operation is in its developed application program interfaces, or APIs, that let different gene databases communicate.

In other words, storing the genome information in the global database will help help doctors diagnose rare birth defects by matching children with suspected gene mutations to others who are known to have them.

Best Tech Car – Tesla Model S

The best tech car is Tesla Model S, which is also called “The Gadget Car.” It’s the best car in terms of using the eco-friendly materials – Tesla is built from 100% recyclable materials. This car has the longest battery life among all modern electro cars. Also, it’s amazingly fast that it can reach 100km/h in less than 4.5 sec.

Recently Tesla released its latest software update, which brought the “autopilot” feature to all models.

Best 3D Printer – Cube Pro Trio

The CubePro is currently the best 3D printer for consumer market because it offers a variety of features, which are simply not available on the rival 3D printers.

For instance, CubePro features the largest-in-class printing platform. It means that it has the bigger printing area plus ultra high-resolution settings of 70-micron allow you to produce a professional quality work.

Another notable feature of this printer is its “triple colour + three materials.” Basically, you can print any model using three different materials, as well as variety of colours at the same time, what’s bringing you the whole creativity spectrum.

The only negative side of this printer is the overpriced material cartridges, but this is due to the low price of this printer.

Are you agree with this list? If not, then which technologies would you place on the first place?

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